Team Praxis Koch Schulte Lippstadt

Physical therapist wanted (m/f/d)

Are you looking for a motivated team, passion for physiotherapy and fun at work?
Then you are exactly right with us!

We are an extremely friendly and familiar team with a particularly friendly patient clientele.

You are friendly, reliable, a team player and you show a well-groomed appearance and can work independently.
Additional qualifications in MLD and/or KG-ZNS would be desirable, but are not a requirement.

We offer you:
• Part-time (later expandable to full-time if necessary)
• familiar atmosphere in a small team
• subsidies for further education
• working hours according to agreement
• adequate payment (depending on work experience and qualification)

Please send your application by post to

    • Katharina Koch-Heider
      Soesttor 12
      DE-59555 Lippstadt

or by e-mail attachment (please only as .pdf file) to

    • p o s t p r a x i s – k o c h – h e i d e r . d e

For further questions

    • +49 2941 28 880 41